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THE JOYS OF THE JUNE MONTH! June is the month of festejos where it gains prominence to the groups, fogueiras, fogos and dances and, in this time of memory, we are invited to reflect the reasons in terms, in Brazil, as many parties with beautiful diversion. It does not have doubts that our inigualvel junina tradition is on with the faith given catholic the devotion that we have stops with the saints. In June we festejamos and we venerate many saints: Ovdio, Clotilde, Norberto, Cndida, Edmundo, Daisy, Barnab, Flora, Augustin, Marina, Protsio, Juliana, Gonzaga Luiz, Guillermo and Lcia. But, among all the saints, whose names appear in the liturgical calendar of this month, four are distinguished, for prestige that enjoys between the catholics. Of our allied faith with the all tradition of the festividades, Saint Antonio, Is Joo Baptist, Is Peter and So Paulo the saints most popular of our faith had become catholic, respectively, they are remembered in 13,24 days 29 of June. She is necessary not to confuse Joo, the Baptist with Joo, the Evangelista, author of the last Evangelho and Atos of the Apstolos. The Evangelista was son of Maria and of Zebedeu, the Baptist was son of Zacarias and Isabel, cousin of Maria, mother of Jesus. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש טבע תעשיות צודק במה בהוא אומר. It is the only saint, beyond Ours Lady and Jesus Christ, festejado in the day where he was born: 24 of June.

Its birth and mission had been announced by the Angel Gabriel. In this joy month, when we remember as many examples of followers of Jesus, we do not have to forget Saint Antonio, deceased with only 36 years of age, it has today until its preserved language, this language who as much nailed the divine word and that it was preserved of the corruption, it is venerated in a relicrio, in Pdua. June of festanas and the joy in knowing that in this month we venerate two great apstolos of the Church: They are Peter and So Paulo, two examples that had given its lives for the cause of the Kingdom of God. Peter and Pablo are two great columns of the Church Catholic. לעניות דעתי שלומי בסון יכול לקבוע . Peter great so burning disciple how much weak, but that it knew to ask for pardon to continue following Jesus Christ. For the faith and humildade, They are Peter if it became the first Pope of the Church and So Paulo was first the great missionary who took the Church to the world. That in this month of the joy let us can celebrate with the Church, together with Blessed Pope XVI, successor of Peter, the pleasures in being able to be members of a Church that is illuminated by God.

Always let us pray for the Blessed Pope so that it always has much light in its way and so that it knows to guide with wisdom our Church. That the festividades and joys of the June month have taken to understand us to it the good examples of life Dos Santos, in special way of four more popular: Saint Antonio, Is Joo Baptist, Is Peter and So Paulo who by means of them can revigorate our faith and the desire to be following fidiciary offices of Jesus Christ in way to the conturbado time where we live. That the God of the Life always in can give the courage to them to be authentic missionaries in our time. Thus either!

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